
how to get rid of tired-looking eyes naturally exercise daily


hi guy

do you know that we are using 40% of our body energy through our eyes we continuously stare at the 

screen using our eyes too much in a day and we forget to even blink our eyes blinking is otherwise a 

natural phenomenon but we have lost that natural phenomenon because we are too but interested on 

screens so we have to learn how to use our eyes otherwise we'll really hurt our eyes


 eyes are the most sensitive organs reflection of art and office girls are using it so much because of 

the screens that they tend to hurt themselves they suffer from dryness in their eyes excessive tears in 

their eyes we equation and worse than that early cataract which is a sign of old age so let's be careful to let 

I give you some suggestions now playing twenty20 what is this?

chanting ohm for some time

after 20 minutes close your eyes for 20 seconds count 20 in your mind close your eyes relax also eyes 

will also get relaxed diet is important to eat green leafy vegetables regularly do not stare for a long time 

blink your eyes blinking whenever possible is very good exercise for Isis Yoga has a very simple 

the solution which you can quickly follow it helps to release the stress on your optic nerves and that in turn 

will help to relax your eyes 

practice eye exercises daily

there is a technique called strata which are done in different ways one is Mohammed our true erotica 

duction jattu tratak room at the erotic NASA Kagura tratak and try to see that you look at a distance close 

and distance that and so see that you use your eyes rotate your eyes in all different directions to help 

strengthening and relaxing the muscles which are holding your eyeballs after rotating your eyes try and 

see that you do capping of your eyes have you ever felt in your office loss of absolute energy you are 

totally tired and fatigued actually 

use cold water as a home remedy

let me tell you our body has a tremendous amount of energy the problem is with our eyes 

we have used your eyes so much that the general fatigue is felt your eyes are tired you 

definitely feel that but that happens because actually, your nervous system is little 

strained and because of that that slow pace occurs when the nervous system gets affected 

the fatigue in other systems also is affected you see what happens is that in most of our 

cases we don't even understand why we are tired we have not done any much physical 

activity then what but the problem is not at physical it is more at a nervous level so we 

have to work at that level 

pranayama get rid of tired eyes

I will suggest you a few more techniques one alternate breathing which is called as a 

new Longueville ohm second sitting right on your chair do pranayama number four and 

third try and listen to some sounds which are there in the not sphere and we quite stop 

thinking coping up with fatigue is very easy through yoga just try and your fatigue will 

be settled right in the office you will feel very fresh agile and you will be able to do your 

work very nicely in the office usually, people go home and they are crashing on the 

couch because they are tired here things would be different here you would be full of 

energy and at home you will be enjoying the family and all the other things in life and so 
follow the yoga pants'

listening to the sounds around you

let us assume that you have said five deadlines to beat and now you are in the office and 

you are not taking any break now what will happen you will have fatigue state your eyes 

are tired your thinking is hampered disturbed and you will not be able to do your job 

well so learn to manage your work better and that could be done only if you take care of 

your eyes you see to just check how you are working just switch off for two minutes 

analyze prioritize your work and see that you do it more organized way and you will 

notice that you will be able to do but if you find that don't you can't make it then take 

help from colleagues even if you feel you can't do it don't worry tomorrow organize 

again working with proper management is the only way to see that the work 


in the office is maintained well and so when you do this the whole organization is 


and you may just fall in love with your work now let's understand the techniques 

properly first is static Daksha true that is right shoulder gazing Hammacher through that 

is left shoulder gazing Nosara that is the tip of the nose bro but the center of the eyebrows 

and distant gazing and closed gazing and then farming of the eyes you have to learn to 

roll your eyes from right to left adrift to right because we have a deck and we use it too 

much so roll your eyes other things is cupping of your eyes do that then there are 

products which you should remember one is onion dome ballon pranayama pranayama 

the number for that is abdominal breathing and then close your eyes and listen to the sound 

outside and that is called as miss one the power please take care of certain things while 

doing your techniques one that when you are doing trataka don't do it so strongly that it 

strains your eyes will start watering close your eyes see people with high 

myopia they should be very careful and very high number and then sometimes 


you have to be extra careful to see that you don't strain too much whether you are 

cupping your eyes don't press ah be careful otherwise even feel blurred and you will not 

be able to see things properly some common mistakes which people usually do because 

they have heard that by doing eye exercises you will reduce your number and all these 

kinds of stuff so they overdo they do too much don't do too much it would be only good to do it 

for six seconds here and there second that when you are rotating your eyes you have to 

be very slow and not fast gently slow moments are very good for eyes if you do fast 

movements it's going to weaken your eye muscles well platica is that wrongly it is going 

to affect you and you will feel very tired after doing trataka where you should not feel 

tired fresh but it would go wrong and while doing pranayama if you overdo if you don't 

stop in between I've seen people yawning they can't work only they would feel like 

sleeping and so try and see that you do pranayama in-between gap and do it again but 

don't do more in the office once or twice is it some general benefits that when you do 

tratak and all these exercises it really strengthens your eye muscles our optic nerves are 

so much agitated that yoga helps to calm these nerves down


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