one magical pranayam to fight COVID
Covid virus attacks respiratory system 1st and that’s why in Yoga we have recommended lots and lots of varieties of pranayama various pranayamas to see that respiratory system works really well among all the pranayama one pranayama has proved to be really really effective amongst everything and this has proved clinically also so good that it is shown that it arrest the infection from growing and it really stops the virus from spreading this pranayama is called as brahmachari pranayama Studies are showing
that this brahman pranayama helps to increase the nitrous oxide in our lung and why this is so
important because this nitrous oxide has a very strong antiviral property it reduces replication of viruses and thereby stops spreading of the virus in our system so understand how to do this pranayama Brahmari Pranayama This pranayama is very very simple you have to sit or be at a steady place take a long breath inhale do park and then create humming song breath in the Same thing we do when we say om it is the same so just do this you can do this and form a habit that in the morning you will do 5
rounds at night you will do 5 rounds during the day whenever possible do 1 or 2 rounds whenever you are sitting just do this or whenever you are standing at one quiet place just do this when you are creating this humming sound to feel more vibrations try and close your ears and then do the humming sound even you can support your fingers on your head and say the humming sound and you will notice the vibrations will be felt throughout and these vibrations are important and they would help you remove the virus Study show these vibrations which we create while doing the humming sound really helps in the production of nitrous oxide today bio physics is exploring this molecule for its wonderful effect
incurring respiratory infections this is also one of the reasons nitrate-rich food should be taken during covid infection do this practice regularly this practice really helps in removing stress and tension, stress tension also causes problems you are doing nothing sitting and worrying do this brahman pranayama and help yourself so understand let there be any infection around any problem around you have the capacity to overcome that with your effort and here you have to help
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